A Beef Steak Is an Example of a Crystalline Solid. A Beef Steak Is an Example of a Crystalline Solid

Methods of Cooking Meat

Methods of cooking meat include dry heat (roasting, broiling, pan-broiling, pan- frying, stir-frying and outdoor grilling) or moist heat (braising and cooking in liquid). Methods should be selected based on initial tenderness of the cut, desired quality characteristics of the resulting product, available cooking facilities and equipment, and the amount of time bachelor for grooming.

Tender cuts of meat, cooked by dry-heat methods, result in tender and juicy products. Less-tender cuts must be cooked for longer periods of time by moist-heat methods, to soften the connective tissue, prevent surface drying and to develop season. Some less tender cuts such as beef acme round and chuck arm can exist cooked past a dry heat method if marinated before cooking.

The degree of doneness tin can hands be determined past measuring internal temperature, using a standard meat thermometer or a quick recovery/ instant read thermometer. The more tender the cut, the lower the internal temperature needed to produce a satisfactory product.

A meat thermometer is the well-nigh accurate guide to the doneness of roasts. The thermometer should exist inserted into the roast surface at a slight angle or through the terminate of the roast so the tip of the thermometer is in the thickest portion of the cutting, but not resting in fat, confronting the bone, or on the rotisserie rod. When using the rotisserie, the thermometer must clear the cooking unit of measurement and drip pan while the meat is turning.

Dry out Heat- Dry estrus methods of cooking are suitable for tender cuts of meat or less tender cuts which take been marinated. Dry heat methods include roasting, oven broiling, grilling, pan-broiling, panfrying and stir—frying.

Roasting—this method of cooking is recommended for larger cuts of beef, veal, pork and lamb. For cuts suitable for roasting and other cooking methods, see Chapter 3.

Broiling—Broiling is suitable for tender beef steaks; beef and lamb kabobs;  veal, pork and lamb chops; pork ribs;  sliced ham; bacon; butterflied lamb leg  and ground beef, pork and lamb. Steaks and chops should be at least 3/4 inch thick and ham should exist at to the lowest degree 1/ii inch thick for successful broiling.  Less tender cuts such as beef flank steak, beef peak round, and veal, pork and lamb shoulder chops may too be broiled when marinated. Marinating can increase the tenderness of these cuts just only to a express degree.  The same tender cuts suitable for oven broiling tin be pan- or griddle broiled.  This method is particularly good for meat iii/iv inch or less in thickness; very thick cuts of meat may go overcooked on the outside before the middle has reached the desired degree of doneness.

Grilling (Barbecuing)—The technique nosotros call grilling is thought to have originated in the Caribbean, where natives smoke-dried meat over hot coals on wood-frame "grills? Early Spanish explorers called this the "barbacoa" which evolved into the modern-day word "charcoal-broil."

Due to the method of heating, grilling is actually a method of broiling. Meat can be grilled on a grid or rack over coals, heated ceramic briquettes or an open fire. While it is usually done out- doors, grilling tin be done in the kitchen with special types of range tops or newer, small appliances.

Standard charcoal briquettes are the well-nigh common fuel for grilling.  High-quality briquettes burn down evenly and consistently. Flammable material for quick-start fires may be added. It takes longer for natural lump charcoal to go hot, simply it provides rut for a longer period of time.

Woods similar mesquite, apple, cherry and grapevine—in chip or briquette class— gives unique flavors to grilled beef and lamb. Hickory generally is best for smoking beef and pork. Woods chips are first soaked in water virtually 30 minutes, drained, and then placed on the burning coals. (Softwoods and evergreens should not be used; they tin can impart a bitter flavor and get out a residue in the grill.)

Grilling is often used to cook kabobs.  Kabobs are pieces of meat, or a combination of meat and vegetables, or meat and fruit pieces, alternated on a skewer.

Pan-broiling—Pan-broiling is a faster and more convenient method than oven broiling for cooking thinner steaks or chops.

Stir-frying—Stir-frying is similar to panfrying except that the food is stirred virtually continuously Cooking is done with high heat, using small or thin pieces of meat.

Deep-fat frying—When meat is cooked immersed in fat, the process is called deep-fat frying. This method is merely used with very tender meat.  Normally, meat to be deep-fat fried is coated with egg and crumbs or a concoction, or it is dredged in flour or corn repast (breaded). This method of cooking is sometimes used for brains, sweetbreads, liver and croquettes; yet, a number of other meat products are suitable for deep-fat frying.

Pan-frying—Panfrying differs from pan-broiling in that a small-scale amount of fatty is added first, or allowed to accrue during cooking.  Panfrying is a method suitable for ground meat, small or thin cuts of meat, sparse strips, and pounded, scored or other- wise tenderized cuts that practice non require prolonged heating for tenderization.

Moist Oestrus—Moist-heat methods of cooking are suitable for less tender cuts of meat. Moist-heat cooking helps to reduce surface drying in those cuts requiring prolonged cooking times.  Unless a pressure level cooker is used, cooking temperature is normally low, but rut penetration is faster than in dry out-heat methods considering steam and water conduct heat chop-chop.

With moist-heat cookery, meat may lose some h2o—soluble nutrients into the cooking liquid. All the same, if the cooking liquids are consumed, as in stews or soups, nutrients are transferred and not totally lost.

Braising—in some regions of the country the term "fricassee" is used interchangeably with braising. Pot roast and Swiss steak are popular examples of braised—meat dishes. Meat can be braised in cooking numberless designed specifically for use in the oven. Apply of oven—cooking bags tin reduce cooking time for larger cuts of meat. No additional water is needed, as wet is drawn out of the meat due to the atmosphere created by the cooking bag.

Cooking in Liquid—less tender cuts of meat can be covered with liquid and gently simmered until tender. Intendance should be taken not to let the temperature of the liquid exceed 195°F, because boiling (212°F) toughens meat poly peptide.  When the liquid is used as a base for soup it is chosen meat stock (too called goop or bouillon). Meat that is partially cooked in liquid before cooking past some other method is called "parboiled."

The 3 ways to cook in liquid are simmering, stewing and poaching. Simmering and stewing are used for less tender cuts of meat while poaching is used for tender cuts. As well, poaching is only appropriate for beef while whatever blazon of meat (beefiness, veal, pork or lamb) can be simmered. The difference between simmering and stewing is that simmering is used with whole cuts of meat while stewing is used with small pieces of meat.

Poaching has been a traditional way of cooking poultry and fish. However, beef roasts tin can likewise be successfully poached if they come from tender cuts. Appropriate roasts for poaching are beef eye round, rib heart and tenderloin.

Subsequently an initial browning period, the  poaching liquid is added and the roast  is then gently simmered until information technology reaches 130°F. A combination of beef broth or consommé, red wine and herbs makes a  flavorful poaching liquid. Afterward cooking, the liquid can be used to make a simple sauce for the roast or information technology tin can be strained and frozen for later use as a soup base or stewing liquid.

Poaching takes one tertiary less time than roasting. (A beef roast will poach to rare in virtually 20 to 30 minutes).  In addition to cooking more than quickly, poaching helps to keep shrinkage of the meat to a minimum. A poached beefiness roast is also merely as tender, juicy and flavorful equally one which has been conventionally prepared.

Means to melt meat

There are various different ways to cook meat, it is best to tailor the cooking to meet the needs of the meat. Broiling is a method that uses a directly heat to brown the outside without overcooking the inside. Roasting uses the air in the oven or other cooking device to heat the meat. Braising uses the steam trapped in the container and is often used for less tender cuts of meat similar a roast. It is all-time to select the cooking method that all-time fits the cut of meat you are preparing.

Storing and reheating leftovers

Once meat has been cooked information technology is important that it is cared for properly to prevent growth of bacteria. Foods should be refrigerated or cooled to twoscore°F inside two hours of cooking. Leftovers that are placed in shallower containers cool more quickly. When reheating items they should achieve a temperature of 140°F.

Methods of Heating

There are three bones mechanisms of heating: conduction, convection and radiations. Unremarkably, more one of the mechanisms is involved in normal food preparation processes and all three can occur simultaneously.

Conduction—In conduction, kinetic energy is transmitted from molecule to molecule without displacement of the molecules. Muscle tissues are heated primarily past conduction when there is direct contact with a oestrus source, such as the heated surfaces of electric range burners or the flame of gas burners.

Convection—In convection cooking, the heated air moves in currents around the slice of meat and the surrounding medium. Convection currents may occur naturally because of elementary changes that occur when a gas or liquid is heated, thus becoming less dense and rising.  Convection currents are mechanically stimulated by a blower in a convection oven making cooking more economical because information technology results in fourth dimension and power savings. Since convection ovens cook twenty percentage to 40 percentage faster than conventional ovens, cooking times must be adapted to avert overcooked and dry meat.

When meat is cooked in a conventional  oven, electromagnetic waves of radiant  free energy pass from the estrus source to the  pan in which the meat rests and so  into the meat. Shiny surfaces tend to reverberate heat, while dull or dark surfaces blot it.

Radiation—2 types of radiation are used in meat cookery: infrared and microwave. Infrared radiation is the transfer of oestrus energy by long electro- magnetic waves which pass from a loftier-temperature surface to a low- temperature surface. The form of heat transfer is particularly of import at high temperatures. Radiant energy may come from broiler units in conventional ovens or from glowing dress-down. This mode of heat transfer occurs through air media, and is slowed inside a solid piece of meat.

 In microwave radiation, free energy is supplied by short electromagnetic waves. These microwaves penetrate food, causing polar molecules (east.g., water) inside the food to move rapidly and to vibrate. As the molecules rub against one another, the resulting friction creates heat, which is known as thermal motility.

Microwaves denature proteins inside meat, but only penetrate to a depth of near 1/ii inches. When cooked in a microwave oven, the inner portion of thick cuts of meat is heated primarily through conduction. Since os reflects microwaves, the meat nearest to the bone does not oestrus well. Surface evaporative cooling has been observed in microwave—cooked roasts. This may explain some of the uneven cooking that has been reported in meat prepared in a microwave oven. Considering surface temperature is low and moisture is deposited on the surface of the meat, a cooked crust may not course on meat.  Browning meat in a microwave oven depends upon a time/temperature relationship. For example, browning normally does not occur in pocket-size pieces of meat because they have a brusk cooking time. However, a 3-pound roast microwaved at 30 percentage will brown because of its longer cooking fourth dimension.

Microwave Ovens

Employ of microwave ovens has become wide spread, and they are at present found in 75% of U.S. Kitchens. In early studies, meat cooked on high power was often overdone at sure spots and underdone at others because the oestrus was not dissipated fast enough to reach the interior of the meat. Today'due south microwave ovens with variable power controls let meat to be cooked more than evenly at lower power settings.

If a crusty outside is preferred, as for roast beef, apply of the microwave oven may be less desirable than would be the conventional oven.  The microwave oven volition brown roasts, but not as readily as the conventional oven. A small percentage of ovens have browning devices congenital into them, or sauces tin be put on the meat to add together colour. Meat will brown naturally if cooked at a low temperature for a longer catamenia of time.

As early equally the mid-196Os. Experts observed that heat distribution patterns varied among microwave ovens. These early investigations led to questions of whether Trichinella spiralis, if present in pork, might survive when pork was cooked by this method.  To address this problem, a new procedure  for cooking pork in the microwave oven was  developed. The meat is placed in a airtight container, such as a loosely sealed, oven-cooking handbag or a covered microwave safe container, and microwaved at a reduced power setting.  This process produces a vaporous atmosphere and reduces temperature variations, thereby producing a consistently, properly done pork cut.

The microwave oven successfully reheats previously cooked foods, including meat. Microwave reheated meat retains aroma and season, and has higher acceptability than meat reheated in a conventional oven. Microwaving reduces cooking time by about 50 percent and uses correspondingly less free energy. Refer to the manufacturer'south guidelines for your unit of measurement for listings of specific microwave cooking times.

Thawing meat before cooking

Information technology is of import to remember safety and proper techniques when thawing out meat and poultry. Post-obit suggested guidelines is essential to nutrient safety. There are three safety means to thaw meat: in the microwave, in the refrigerator, in cold water (make sure to place in an air-tight, water-tight bag). Click here for more tips.

Sources -

  • http://www.foodsafety.gov/keep/types/meat/
  • http://www.fsis.usda.gov/wps/portal/fsis/topics/nutrient-condom-instruction/get-answers/food-condom-fact-sheets/safe-nutrient-handling/danger-zone-40-f-140-f/CT_Index
  • http://www.iv-h.purdue.edu/foods/cooking%20meat%20and%20poultry.htm


Source: https://meatscience.org/TheMeatWeEat/topics/meat-safety/meat-cookery

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